Monday, July 18, 2016

Cold Laser Therapy

Back and neck pain can be debilitating and can cause a great deal of stress for your everyday life. There are many treatment options for individuals suffering from pain including cold laser therapy. A qualified professional such as Dr. Nick Locke with Locke Chiropractic in Tualatin, Oregon can help you to get the most relief possible for your condition.

Cold Laser Therapy Could Help You
Cold laser therapy is the use of lasers that do not emit heat and that can target pain. The light can be used to reduce swelling and to help the body generate healing in very specific locations. Because of the nature of the laser treatment, the exact location you want to find relief in can be pinpointed and treated. The process does not typically provide full immediate relief. There will likely be several sessions on a regular basis to get the results that you are looking for. The procedure is non-invasive and takes only a short amount of time during each session. Combining the laser treatment with other options such as manual manipulation and adjustments can give you the pain-free existence you seek.

Don’t wait and deal with the pain any longer. Contact our professionals to talk about how cold laser therapy works and how it might benefit you. Call us today at 503-620-6480 to learn more and to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you find peace and relief in your back and neck injuries. You don’t have to suffer any longer with the pain and loss of range of motion.